Throughout 2018, Tainui celebrated the 160th year of the Kingitanga. Celebrations ended at Pukawa Marae in November with karakia at the site of the 1856 Hui of Chiefs, where Potatau Te Wherowhero was chosen to be the first Māori King.
In 1856, Tūwharetoa and Tainui rangatira commenced a steadfast alliance and brotherhood, and this has continued to remain strong to this day.
Ariki Tumu Te Heuheu and his people of Ngāti Tūwharetoa hosted the Kingitanga and the people of Waikato for two days. Both Ariki and the Kingitanga discussed their aspirations for their iwi moving forward.
More than 650 people from Tainui and the Motu were in attendance, uniting to celebrate the Māori King movement as one.
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust was proud to support the auspicious occasion.